Sustainable Japan | 世界のサステナビリティ・ESG投資・SDGs


 英国学士院は11月27日、企業の存在意義としての「目的(Purpose)」が明確な企業への変革を唱えるレポート「目的あるビジネス原則(Principles for Purposeful Business)」を発表した。英国学士院は、人文科学や社会科学の学者が集まる英国の国立アカデミー。社会や地球課題に対応していく企業システムや資本主義を構築するため、文系の学者から企業への大きなメッセージが発信された。


  1. Corporate law should place purpose at the heart of the corporation and require directors to state their purposes and demonstrate commitment to them.
  2. Regulation should expect particularly high duties of engagement, loyalty and care on the part of directors of companies to public interests where they perform important public functions.
  3. Ownership should recognise obligations of shareholders and engage them in supporting corporate purposes as well as in their rights to derive financial benefit.
  4. Corporate governance should align managerial interests with companies’ purposes and establish accountability to a range of stakeholders through appropriate board structures. They should determine a set of values necessary to deliver purpose, embedded in their company culture.
  5. Measurement should recognise impacts and investment by companies in their workers, societies and natural assets both within and outside the firm.
  6. Performance should be measured against fulfilment of corporate purposes and profits measured net of the costs of achieving them.
  7. Corporate financing should be of a form and duration that allows companies to fund more engaged and long-term investment in their purposes.
  8. Corporate investment should be made in partnership with private, public and not-for-profit organisations that contribute towards the fulfilment of corporate purposes.


【参照ページ】The British Academy proposes principles for the age of purposeful business


 英国学士院は11月27日、企業の存在意義としての「目的(Purpose)」が明確な企業への変革を唱えるレポート「目的あるビジネス原則(Principles for Purposeful Business)」を発表した。英国学士院は、人文科学や社会科学の学者が集まる英国の国立アカデミー。社会や地球課題に対応していく企業システムや資本主義を構築するため、文系の学者から企業への大きなメッセージが発信された。



 英国学士院は11月27日、企業の存在意義としての「目的(Purpose)」が明確な企業への変革を唱えるレポート「目的あるビジネス原則(Principles for Purposeful Business)」を発表した。英国学士院は、人文科学や社会科学の学者が集まる英国の国立アカデミー。社会や地球課題に対応していく企業システムや資本主義を構築するため、文系の学者から企業への大きなメッセージが発信された。




 英国学士院は11月27日、企業の存在意義としての「目的(Purpose)」が明確な企業への変革を唱えるレポート「目的あるビジネス原則(Principles for Purposeful Business)」を発表した。英国学士院は、人文科学や社会科学の学者が集まる英国の国立アカデミー。社会や地球課題に対応していく企業システムや資本主義を構築するため、文系の学者から企業への大きなメッセージが発信された。


  1. Corporate law should place purpose at the heart of the corporation and require directors to state their purposes and demonstrate commitment to them.
  2. Regulation should expect particularly high duties of engagement, loyalty and care on the part of directors of companies to public interests where they perform important public functions.
  3. Ownership should recognise obligations of shareholders and engage them in supporting corporate purposes as well as in their rights to derive financial benefit.
  4. Corporate governance should align managerial interests with companies’ purposes and establish accountability to a range of stakeholders through appropriate board structures. They should determine a set of values necessary to deliver purpose, embedded in their company culture.
  5. Measurement should recognise impacts and investment by companies in their workers, societies and natural assets both within and outside the firm.
  6. Performance should be measured against fulfilment of corporate purposes and profits measured net of the costs of achieving them.
  7. Corporate financing should be of a form and duration that allows companies to fund more engaged and long-term investment in their purposes.
  8. Corporate investment should be made in partnership with private, public and not-for-profit organisations that contribute towards the fulfilment of corporate purposes.


【参照ページ】The British Academy proposes principles for the age of purposeful business
