- Accountability Counsel
- Action For Development
- African Law Foundation(AFRILAW)
- Amazon Watch
- Bank Information Center Europe
- バンクトラック
- Buliisa Initiative for Rural Development Organisation(BIRUDO)
- Cameroon Network of Human Rights Organisations(RECODH)
- ZEBAZE, National Coordinator
- CEE Bankwatch Network
- Center for International Environmental Law(CIEL)
- Centre for Environmental Justice/Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka
- Centre for Human Rights and Development
- Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations(SOMO)
- Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone
- Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network(CLEAN)
- Collectif Camerounais des Organisations des Droits de l'Homme et de la Démocratie(COCODHD)
- Conseil Régional des Organisations Non Gouvernementales de Développement
- Crude Accountability
- Divest, Invest, Protect
- Earthworks
- ENDA LEAD Afrique Francophone
- Endorois Welfare Council
- Equitable Cambodia
- Etika Asbl
- Fair Finance Guide International
- First Peoples Worldwide
- Forest Peoples Programme
- Foster Deibert
- Foundation For Environmental Management and Campaign Against Poverty
- Framtiden i våre hender(The Future in Our Hands)
- Friends of the Earth(FoE)US
- Friends with Environment in Development(FED)
- Fund Our Future
- GegenStrömung
- Gender Action
- Global Witness
- Global Policy Advisor
- Gravity Exists
- Green Advocates International
- Greenpeace International
- Group of Research and Advocacy on Extractive Industries(GRPIE)
- Inclusive Development International
- International Accountability Project
- International Corporate Accountability Roundtable
- International Rivers
- Jamaa Resource Initiatives
- Jubilee Australia
- Leadership Initiative for Transformation & Empowerment(LITE-Africa)
- Les Amis de la Terre France
- London Mining Network
- Lumière Synergie pour le Développement
- Manushya Foundation
- Market Forces
- MiningWatch Canada
- Natural Resources Alliance of Kenya(KeNRA)
- NGO Forum on ADB
- Observatory for Sustainable Infrastructure
- OECD Watch
- Oneida Trust Enrollment Committee
- オックスファム
- Oyu Tolgoi Watch
- Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
- Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research(PODER))
- Public Eye
- Public Interest Law Center(PILC)
- Quayle Watchman Consultancy
- Rahmawati Winarni
- レインフォレスト・アクション・ネットワーク
- Rainforest Foundation Norway
- Rights CoLab
- Rivers without Bounda
【参照ページ】Joint submission to the Equator Principles Association: Towards an accountability mechanism for the Equator Principles
Sustainable Japanの特長
Sustainable Japanは、サステナビリティ・ESGに関する
- 時価総額上位100社の96%が登録済
- 業界第一人者が編集長
- 7記事/日程度追加、合計11,000以上の記事を読める
- 重要ニュースをウェビナーで分かりやすく解説※1