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 国連グローバル・コンパクト(UNGC)は9月13日、「持続可能な海洋原則(SOP:Sustainable Ocean Principles)」を発表した。世界中の企業に対し、健全で生産性の高い海洋を実現するよう要求した。9月23日に正式に発足。企業に自主的署名を求める。



  • 原則1: Assess the short- and long-term impact of their activities on ocean health and incorporate such impacts into their strategy and policies.
  • 原則2: Consider sustainable business opportunities that promote or contribute to restoring, protecting or maintaining ocean health and productivity and livelihoods dependent on the ocean.
  • 原則3: Take action to prevent pollution affecting the ocean, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their operations to prevent ocean warming and acidification, and work towards a circular economy.
  • 原則4: Plan and manage their use of and impact on marine resources and space in a manner that ensures long-term sustainability and take precautionary measures where their activities may impact vulnerable marine and coastal areas and the communities that are dependent upon them.


  • 原則5: Engage responsibly with relevant regulatory or enforcement bodies on ocean-related laws, regulations and other frameworks.
  • 原則6: Follow and support the development of standards and best practices that are recognized in the relevant sector or market contributing to a healthy and productive ocean and secure livelihoods.
  • 原則7: Respect human-, labour- and indigenous peoples’ rights in the company’s ocean-related activities, including exercise appropriate due diligence in their supply-chain, consult and engage with relevant stakeholders and communities in a timely, transparent and inclusive manner, and address identified impacts.


  • 原則8: Where appropriate, share relevant scientific data to support research on and mapping of relevance to the ocean.
  • 原則9: Be transparent about their ocean-related activities, impacts and dependencies in line with relevant reporting frameworks.


【参照ページ】United Nations Global Compact launches principles for sustainable ocean business

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株式会社ニューラル サステナビリティ研究所


Sustainable Japanの特長

Sustainable Japanは、サステナビリティ・ESGに関する

  • 時価総額上位100社の96%が登録済
  • 業界第一人者が編集長
  • 7記事/日程度追加、合計11,000以上の記事を読める
  • 重要ニュースをウェビナーで分かりやすく解説※1
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"【ランキング】2019年 ダボス会議「Global 100 Index: 世界で最も持続可能な企業100社」"を、お気に入りから削除しました。